Thursday 30 October 2014

The Cookie Cake

                                           the cookie cake

"happy birthday to you happy birthday dear owen happy birthday to you" my dads friend son owen was having his 7th birthday and owen just blow out his candles. I was so excited because we were going to have a cookie cake which is a giant cookie. sometimes there's even frosting on it. then my dad cut my piece 

Thursday 9 October 2014

toring covington

  the first time I saw covington

The first time I saw covington I was with my friend Sydney her sister was giving us a tor. First she should us all the teachers rooms I was so amazed when her sister said the world pool. I was so happy cause i didn't known that there was a pool. Me and my friend wanted to see the pool so bad so we walk i started to smell the Coreen i tried to open the door  but the door was lock "no" me and my  friend where so sad.after we all we all the play ground and played for a long time.